The Latest Advice On Locating Details For Solar Electricity

Solar Panels For Green Energy


Green Energy Tips And Techniques For Your Home


Green energy technology is changing each and every day. There are people working to reduce the amount of energy each home uses on a daily basis. These new technologies are available for consumers to take advantage of. Learn a bit about some of your go-green options in this article.

If your home has a pool or hot tub, look into a solar water heating system. Installing a solar water heating system costs about the same as a conventional system, but operating costs for the system will be much lower. Repair costs for solar heating systems are often lower as well.

If you are charging products within your home, use smart green ideas to conserve energy by unplugging these devices when you are done. Even when they are fully charged, these units still consume energy and cost you money. So unplug them when they are finished, and save some energy and money.

Reverse the direction of the blades on your fan if you'd like to cut heating costs by as much as 1 percent! Although most people use fans for cooling, it's possible to use them to suck cold air up and make your home feel much warmer without turning up the heat.

Consider how many hours of sunlight you can expect in the winter as you plan your solar system, so that you know how much energy you can expect it to generate. You will avoid unpleasant surprises during winter, and you will also ensure your energy needs are met in summer. If you're using a type of net usage plan, you'll receive money back during the summer from your utility company for energy you're generating!

If you want to save energy, try not to use your dishwasher very often. Instead, let your dishes air dry. Dishwashers tend to use a lot of energy and because they use so much power, your electricity and your water bill will be through the roof. If you have to use the dishwasher, put it on a low setting.

Too often, the water heater allows water to reach a scalding temperature when trying to take a shower. Try turning the maximum heat on the water heater down by twenty degrees, and you will see a definite decrease in electricity costs. Tankless water heaters are another green energy option for anyone.

Think about giving green gifts for presents when you need to buy people gifts. If you are going to a house warming, give them a case of CFL bulbs for their new home or buy your friends reusable stainless steel water bottles. Even if you do not have gifts to give, think about buying them for yourself.

Measure the prevailing wind speed on your property before considering a wind generator. In order for wind energy to be cost-effective, you need a wind speed greater than 8.5 to 9 MPH at least sixty percent of the time. Any slower, and the turbine won't spin fast enough to generate much electricity.

Remember to unplug appliances when they are not being utilized. A lot of appliances will continue to consume a significant amount of energy passively even when they are turned off. The reason for this is that energy is required to power features such as LED status lights, and clocks. Completely unplugging the appliance at the wall outlet will help you save energy.

Use a microwave as often as you can to save energy at home. Your stove and your oven use a significantly higher amount of energy than does your microwave. So, by microwaving instead, you save a lot of energy.

As said in the beginning of the article, going green doesn't have to be costly or time consuming. Alternative energy can save money while helping the environment! Installing new light bulbs or cleaning your filter can help, without sacrificing too much time or money. Remember these tips so you can go green!

Common-Sense Alternative Energy Sources Guidelines - Ideas To Consider

Alternative Energy Sources


Use The Sun: The Real Superpower Available


There are many people all over the world that are taking advantage of solar energy. Others have not adopted this because they feel that it is something confusing and difficult to implement. The following article has several pieces of advice that will help you understand the benefits of solar energy and how simple it is to add to your life.

Do your research before you buy or install anything. It is important that you know what you're allowed to have in place, what is the best choice for efficiency and what sort of a budget you're working with. Once you have those answers in hand, you'll be able to go forward with your project.

Position solar panels on the east or west side of your home or business. Since the sun travels from east to west throughout the day, placing solar panels on areas of your roof that face north or south is a waste. You'll get much better energy returns by following the same path as the sun.

Although the initial cost of solar panels can be quite expensive, you need to think in terms of future savings. Once your initial investment is paid off, you will never have to be dependent on another energy company again. This is because you will get all the energy you need from the sun.

Look into portable solar energy battery packs. These can be extremely useful when you are somewhere that does not have access to power. For example, it could be used to charge your cell phone while you are camping in a remote location. It has recently become very popular, and because of this, it is relatively inexpensive.

Installing a solar energy system in your home is a major project. Check out contractors as you would if adding an addition to your home. You should carefully consider each aspect of the contract, and you might want an attorney to look it over.

If you are planning to move to remote location you may want to have solar energy panels installed on your home. Solar energy is still relatively expensive to install, but it can be more affordable than wiring power to your home. Get quotes on both before you decide which route you will take.

Experiment with various angles and placements, monitoring the power stored on a daily basis and making changes as necessary. Any angle might be acceptable, but there are times when a small tweak in the position can have a noticeable impact. Try different options and stick with the spot that works best.

Don't cheap out on the installation! Yes, you've spent a lot of hard earned cash on these solar panels, but that's the point entirely. You've made a huge investment, and you'll want these panels to be secured perfectly. If you opt for someone with less experience or a spotty track record to save a bit of cash, then you'll likely have lots of issues in the future.

Always use non abrasive cleansers on your solar panels. An abrasive cleaner can scratch the surface of the panel and cause permanent damage and affect how well the solar panel works. There are commercial cleaning solutions to use or you can use a pool skimmer with a very soft cloth on it.

Check with your local power company as to whether they have a program to buy excess electricity collected by your solar panels. Some utility companies will give homeowners credits to apply to any energy provided to them. These programs are becoming more available as more and more people install solar panels on their home.

When researching for a good solar panel installer, don't forget the Internet. Yes you may start out in the phone book, but the Internet will give you a lot more information as well. You may find testimonials from other clients and ideas for contractors that you may not have realized are out there.

If you are planning to move to remote location you may want to have solar energy panels installed on your home. Solar energy is still relatively expensive to install, but it can be more affordable than wiring power to your home. Get quotes on both before you decide which route you will take.

If you are interested in joining the green movement and helping the Earth, harnessing power from the sun is the way to go. It's natural, it's clean and it's renewable, which means that you can't use it all up. Therefore, not only can solar power help you save money on your electricity bill, it is also good for the environment.

To help you receive the maximum benefits from your solar energy, choose energy efficient appliances and light bulbs. Solar power can be used to heat the water needed for your showers, laundry and dishes. Solar heating can be used to heat or supplement your current heating. Also, solar energy can be used to help light the exterior of your home.

Provided you were able to read this piece without any biases, you should have gained some helpful knowledge about solar energy options and benefits. It is a great way to reduce expenses, and it also helps the environment. Take what you have read here today, and use it to save the planet and a little money too!

5 Closely-Guarded Going Green Secrets Explained In Explicit Detail

Solar Energy

Anyone who has used gas and oil can reluctantly agree that green energy is cleaner, safer, and less expensive. But many people don't know how to implement green energy into their lives. So here are just a few of the many ways that green energy can be good for your home and your life.

If you're considering switching to green energy sources, the easiest thing you can do is call up your current electric provider and see if the offer green energy. Many electric companies offer these power sources to their customers. They may cost a bit more, however, to offset the amount of money they would've had to invest in the sources.

Try setting the air conditioning to run just one degree Celsius warmer during the summer and one degree Celsius cooler during the winter. You will not even notice this difference in temperature, and you'll save a lot of money and energy. In addition, the amount of carbon being used will decrease by around 14%.

Research the different energy sources available in your community. Be sure to look at the legislation and incentives available for using green utilities. Switching from electricity to gas, or from your city water supply to a well, may save you money.

When away from home, cover the windows. This cools your home's interior and keeps energy usage down while you're away. Usually the windows with the most sun are the one's which face south. Cover all of these windows with curtains, blinds or roller shades.

Go green on your coffee break by bringing your own cup. If you usually order a Tall Latte at Starbucks, bring a tall re-usable coffee mug with you. Every time you ask your favorite coffee shop to mix your drink in your own cup, you are helping to green your environment.

Warm-air registers, radiators, and baseboard heaters need cleaning at least once per year. It is best to clean these at the beginning of the cold season so they are ready to work at top efficiency once the weather turns cold. Clean heating units will distribute the heated energy evenly.

As you ready yourself to make the switch to green energy, try getting a step ahead of the game by decreasing your present energy needs. By using less energy, it will be that much easier to switch to alternative sources because you won't be using as much. Good ways to start include using less light in your home, shortening hot showers and using cool instead of hot water for laundry.

Appliances can be a big, unnecessary energy drain. Find out how much energy each of your appliances are using. Work to replace those larger appliances that are inefficient and outdated, and unplug the smaller ones - like computers and television sets - when they are not in use. Setting all appliances on a timer switch is another way to ensure that you don't waste energy.

Hopefully, this article has given you some really helpful hints on turning off the traditional, resource-draining and excessively-pollutant energy sources in your home and converting to smarter green energy. Green energy will reduce the costs in your home, as well as, reduce your carbon footprint on the planet, so why not start today?

5 Tips On Going Green You Can Use Today

Solar Panels

In this day and age, two things that definitely need improving are the economy and the environment. You can improve your personal economy and help the environment at the same time by converting many of the technologies in your home to green energy. Read on for some great advice on how to accomplish this.

Air dry your laundry. If the weather allows you to, after you wash your laundry, instead of running it through the dryer, dry it on a clothesline outside. Let the sun and wind dry your clothes for you. Using an electric dryer will only use up energy, and if the weather is nice, you can save energy easily. In addition, your clothes will last longer.

Replace or clean your furnace filter at least once every 90 days, and check it once per month for build-up. Install filters for your warm-air registers, too. This not only helps keep debris (and kids' toys) from entering heating ducts, which reduces efficiency.

When shopping for new appliances, choose the ones where the energy star rating is in the most efficient range. Even if you cannot afford new appliances, you can choose new parts for your old appliances that are much more efficient and will help your old appliances save money and energy like new ones.

Make sure that your home is completely sealed from all drafts, if you want to live green and use the principals of green energy. Windows and doors are your biggest culprits for letting hot and cold air out of your home. So, seal them up and start saving money.

Heat your home with a pellet stove. Pellets are basically made of compressed sawdust: they burn without any emanation and are much easier to store and transport than a pile of wood. Before investing in a pellet stove, you should find a place where you can get affordable pellets first.

Don't try to install a wind generator on a small piece of property. First of all, you'll likely get complaints from the neighbors, as an efficient wind turbine needs to be at least 30 feet off the ground. Secondly, you need about an acre of land in order to ensure an unobstructed prevailing wind.

Get your whole family thinking about green energy by stocking organic, recycled or eco-friendly products whenever possible. Ask your kids to identify such products on the shelves at the store and explain why those products are better for your family, your home and your environment. You can also segue such conversations into other eco-friendly practices like shutting off the water while brushing your teeth or turning off lights when not in a room.

Remember that solar panels, whether you install them on your roof or anywhere else on your property, must be angled toward the sun to receive maximum exposure. In the Northern Hemisphere, this means facing them south with an angle of latitude plus fifteen degrees. Otherwise, your investment will not return as much energy as you hope.

Using cold water in your washing machine whenever possible is a great way to save energy. The reason for this is that a significant amount of energy is required to heat water. In fact, about ninety percent of the energy consumed when washing clothes is used for heating water. Using hot water is more expensive for both you and the environment.

While everyone wants to enjoy the many amenities that technology provides, no one wants to damage the environment in the process. From fracking to coal power plants, many techniques for harnessing energy are bad for the Earth. Green energy, on the other hand, is not, and using it will keep the Earth healthy for many generations to come.


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City exploring wind-energy hub on Staten Island


City officials will test the waters for making Staten Island a hub to serve a growing wind-energy industry.

The Economic Development Corp. filed a request Tuesday for companies interested in developing facilities at the Homeport pier in Stapleton to support offshore wind production. That could include the "fabrication, installation and staging, operations, maintenance or repair facilities" for turbines, according to the procurement request.

Renewable Energy

The request, first reported by The City, opens the door for other maritime-use proposals. An EDC spokesman told The City that the project will "drive job creation and generate renewable resources for New York City and the region at large."

The EDC's request coincided with the state Legislature passing landmark climate legislation that sets a goal of all the state's power coming from renewable sources by 2040. Gov. Andrew Cuomo earlier this year called for the state to add 9,000 megawatts of offshore wind production by 2035.

The production or management center could serve wind projects off the East Coast, from Maine through Virginia, as described in the EDC request.

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The Debate Over Alternative Energy

Solar Energy

Green energy is becoming quite popular with people of any age range or background. This is most likely due to the perks that this type of lifestyle affords. You're about to read tips that will show how great green energy can be for your life.

If your home has a pool or hot tub, look into a solar water heating system. Installing a solar water heating system costs about the same as a conventional system, but operating costs for the system will be much lower. Repair costs for solar heating systems are often lower as well.

If you want to conserve energy, adjust your air conditioning unit so that it is set two degrees higher in the summer and two degrees lower in the winter. You will probably not be able to tell that you have changed it, but taking that step will save you on your monthly bill and bring down your carbon emissions.

There are government grants available for investing in renewable energy. Do some research with your local authorities and ascertain if they run any types of programs within your district. Some areas provide rebates for green energy product installation, or provide tax relief as an incentive.

If you are charging products within your home, use smart green ideas to conserve energy by unplugging these devices when you are done. Even when they are fully charged, these units still consume energy and cost you money. So unplug them when they are finished, and save some energy and money.

Pay attention to the thermostat in your home. Installing a programmable thermostat makes it easier for you to track the temperature in your house, and turn the heat down when you aren't at home. Between 1 and 3 percent of your energy costs can be cut for each degree you turn it down!

Dress in warm clothes to cut costs! If you put on a light sweater, you'll be two degrees warmer, while a heavy sweater will make you four degrees warmer. You don't need to dress lightly inside, so wear a sweater!

Take advantage of the sun by installing solar panels on your roof. These panels will harvest the energy from the sun and convert it into usable power for your home. Most energy companies will purchase any excess power that is created. You will discover at the least, a reduction in your power bill each month.

Turn your computer off when you are not using it. This includes anything connected to the computer, such as the printer. When these are on, even if in hibernate mode, they are drawing electricity. When you are done browsing or working, turn off the computer and turn off the strip plug to save electrical energy.

When traveling short distances, try not to use your car. Instead, walk, run, or use a bicycle. Automobiles are not only expensive to keep up with, but they have many negative effects on the environment. If you must use your car, be sure that it is tuned up when necessary.

A great way to garden green and efficiently use green energy is to xeriscape. This means plant native plants in your yard so that there is less maintenance and energy used on it. You will save by not using a lawn mower and you will not have to use energy on your sprinklers to water natural plants as often.

A few simple steps, as detailed in this article, are all it takes to change your life for the better. You will save money, help the environment and feel good about the work you've done. Use the tips you've read here to get started as soon as possible.

Find Out Who's Talking About Alternative Energy And Why You Should Be Concerned

Green Energy Information Everybody Ought To Know

Solar Energy

If you haven't taken the opportunity to introduce green energy into your life, you are missing out. Green energy is cheaper, safer, and cleaner than traditional sources of energy, and it can also save you money over time. Here are some really smart ways to start using green energy to your advantage.

Speak with your utility company about receiving your electric power from a renewable source. Many metropolitan areas get some of their power from hydroelectric, geothermal, solar, or wind powered plants. Often, the electric company can simply apply a certain amount of your electric bill to renewable energy without you needing to make any other changes.

If you're considering switching to green energy sources, the easiest thing you can do is call up your current electric provider and see if the offer green energy. Many electric companies offer these power sources to their customers. They may cost a bit more, however, to offset the amount of money they would've had to invest in the sources.

Use solar-powered outdoor lights. Outdoor lighting elements are a great place to use solar power, since there is easy access to sunlight. There are a wide range of lighting options to fit any decor. Not only does the solar-powered feature save on your energy bill, but it also makes these lights easy to install anywhere on your property.

Heat your home with a pellet stove. Pellets are basically made of compressed sawdust: they burn without any emanation and are much easier to store and transport than a pile of wood. Before investing in a pellet stove, you should find a place where you can get affordable pellets first.

Pay attention to the thermostat in your home. Installing a programmable thermostat makes it easier for you to track the temperature in your house, and turn the heat down when you aren't at home. Between 1 and 3 percent of your energy costs can be cut for each degree you turn it down!

Use solar-powered outdoor lights. Outdoor lighting elements are a great place to use solar power, since there is easy access to sunlight. There are a wide range of lighting options to fit any decor. Not only does the solar-powered feature save on your energy bill, but it also makes these lights easy to install anywhere on your property.

If you, like many other people, wish to lead a greener life in order to help save our environment, there are many things you can start doing now. You do not have to spend money to help, but you can clean your furnace filters once each month and set your heat to 60 degrees if you are not home. Lowering the temperature on your water heater to 120 can also help reduce costs. Even small steps that you take can add up to a big difference!

It is easy to find the initiative to make your house greener when you consider the many tax refunds currently offered for energy-efficient improvements. Be sure to keep all receipts pertaining to such improvements as the U.S. government presently lets home owners deduct costs for everything from new windows to storm doors to furnaces and insulation.

Try heating water using solar power to further implement solar power into your needs. For many people, solar power is still a thing of the future, but it doesn't have to be. There are many ways to include it in today's world, and using a solar power for all your water heating needs is one of them. Think about how much your current water heater is used, and think about how much money you could save.

Fans of green energy should limit their use of electric heaters in the winter. In order to do this, you need to do two things. First, buy the necessary clothing and slippers, to keep family members warm. Second, use a pellet stove or fireplace for heating. Cooler air is better for sleeping anyway, because it prevents airways from becoming dry.

Use biofuels as a heat source. This type of fuel is usually made with a combination of animal fat, vegetable oil and wood. Propane furnace mechanics can adjust your furnace so that you can use biofuels in it. This is between 20 to 99% biodiesel. Before you try to use this kind of fuel inside your house, just make sure you speak to a professional.

If you want to make better use of energy in your home but aren't sure where to start, schedule a home energy audit from a professional auditor. These auditors can thoroughly investigate your home, and suggest ways to reduce your energy consumption, with green technology and other improvements.

Whether it's a celebrity, politician or scientist, many people are trying to get the populace educated on the problems that we will be facing, thanks to global warming. It's great that you're taking the time to learn what you can do to help, so put the tips you've read here to use and get started today!

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After 40 Years of Searching, Scientists Identify The Key Flaw in Solar Panel Efficiency


Solar panels are fantastic pieces of technology, but we need to work out how to make them even more efficient – and scientists just solved a 40-year-old mystery around one of the key obstacles to increased efficiency.

A new study outlines a material defect in silicon used to produce solar cells that has previously gone undetected. It could be responsible for the 2 percent efficiency drop that solar cells can see in the first hours of use: Light Induced Degradation (LID).

Multiplied by the increasing number of panels installed at solar farms around the world, that drop equals a significant cost in gigawatts that non-renewable energy sources have to make up for.

In fact, the estimated loss in efficiency worldwide from LID is estimated to equate to more energy than can be generated by the UK's 15 nuclear power plants. The new discovery could help scientists make up some of that shortfall.

"Because of the environmental and financial impact solar panel 'efficiency degradation' has been the topic of much scientific and engineering interest in the last four decades," says one of the researchers, Tony Peaker from the University of Manchester in the UK.

Renewable Energy News

"However, despite some of the best minds in the business working on it, the problem has steadfastly resisted resolution until now."

To find what 270 research papers across four decades had previously been unable to determine, the latest study used an electrical and optical technique called deep-level transient spectroscopy (DLTS) to find weaknesses in the silicon.

Here's what the DLTS analysis found: As the electronic charge in the solar cells gets transformed from sunlight, the flow of electrons gets trapped; in turn, that reduces the level of electrical power that can be produced.

This defect lies dormant until the solar panel gets heated, the team found.

"We've proved the defect exists, it's now an engineering fix that is needed," says one of the researchers, Iain Crowe from the University of Manchester.

The researchers also found that higher quality silicon had charge carriers (electrons which carry the photon energy) with a longer 'lifetime', which backs up the idea that these traps are linked to the efficiency degradation.

What's more, heating the material in the dark, a process often used to remove traps from silicon, seems to reverse the degradation.

The work to push solar panel efficiency rates higher continues, with breakthroughs continuing to happen in the lab, and nature offering up plenty of efficiency tips as well. Now that the Light Induced Degradation mystery has been solved, solar farms across the globe should benefit.

"An absolute drop of 2 percent in efficiency may not seem like a big deal, but when you consider that these solar panels are now responsible for delivering a large and exponentially growing fraction of the world's total energy needs, it's a significant loss of electricity generating capacity," says Peaker.

The research has been published in the Journal of Applied Physics.

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